Tuesday, August 18, 2009

How do I sleep...?

Ok. So I have resorted to taking Tylenol PM before bed.
Lets see how this works.

Normally I would go to bed around 10 pm when Kevin turns in and asks me to join him.
Even though most of the time I am not tired enough to sleep I can rarely say no when he tells me he needs me there to fall asleep. In that precise moment I feel immensely loved and I cave in and go to bed. I'll usually read and the pages turn rapidly but then I cannot recall what I read. Mostly because I frequently drift off and think of tasks to be completed for the wedding..

Gift bags for the attendants.
Seating chart.
Final head count
Payments to the florist, baker, and caterer.

The list goes on for miles...literally miles.

I have two weeks to go... like the song says..I will survive.

Its not the long to-do list, or the skyrocketing cost that is pissing me off. It is the people who are ruining this experience for Kevin and I.

We should be overwhelmed with happiness, but at the moment the sad truth of it is that we cannot wait for this day to come and go.

If you are planning a wedding, or plan on getting engaged, or married in the future...listen to me now.
Do not let anyone tell you what your day should be. Especially if you are paying for it as Kevin and I are.
Stick to your vision, and as long as you do that you will be happy. It is easy to get carried away in the flowers and frosting but remember at the end of the day the only thing you will remember is how he looked in his tux, and the grip of your fathers arm as he walked you down the isle.
No one will remember what color your bridesmaids dresses were, or if you had programs or not.
Do what you want, and if that means Las Vegas, your parents backyard, or the most expensive country club in the country...stick to it.

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